Ukraine & Russia, Greetings from Comrades in Yalta! – Foxy, Bear, and Lion

Say cheese Comrades! Stalin, Churchill and Roosevelt are not the only ones who took a ‘selfie’ in Yalta! 🙂
Lion and Bear sat with Foxy sharing their views on the Meeting at the White House.
Gentlemen, what’s your take on the taming of the boorish Bull?
Sensei: Looks like Zelenskiy called Trump’s bluff.
Vlad: Ya, but I bet President won’t be calling him back anytime soon! Still, it’s a shame his VP was not muzzled. The fool blurted ‘Putin invaded Ukraine’! My dog’s presence was more threating than his VPs words or entourage. Just ask Angela.
I beg to differ, Vlad. She kept her cool. (Vlad, of course, had to have the last word.)
Vlad: Alas, what do you expect? The hairy hillbilly never saw combat, neither in the Middle East or Ukraine, as he admitted to Zelenskiy.
Right, Vlad. Trump’s right hand man is no “Warrior Diplomat’ as Commander Mike calls himself, saying he knows how to “Think and Lead Like a Green Beret.”
Sensei, What’s on your mind?
Xi: Taiwan, Malaysia, Vietnam, Philippines, South Korea, Japan…
Sensei, now you’re smiling.
Xi: Two words and Two numbers: Pearl Harbor and 9/11.
Yes Sensei, a reminder to America, its Allies and Enemies. NATO & Oceans don’t keep you safe.
Vlad, as to Ukraine & Russia, if you liked my ‘Toast to Mikhail Bulgakov!’ you had to get a chuckle from “Elon and Bill: Puppets Working for the Same Master?”
Vlad: Yes Miss Foxy, but forget not Elon partnered with Microsoft to provide “secure communication” linking two networks – cloud computing and satellite. Or, what you call “Government surveillance of the crowd.”
Yes Vlad, but I believe I called it America’s new “crystal ball” in the“Power of the Puppet Master: SurVeillance in the Cloud”
Vlad: Ya! Ironic is it not? America’s Golden Boy would become my Puppet as Microsoft’s Grey Goose.
And the loud Trumpet pretends to be a Tyrant! Oh, did I say that!? 🙂
All right Vlad. It was funny the first time.
You know, it’s a damn shame Zelenskiy didn’t take the advice of Joseph A. Califano, Jr.: “It’s an old trick I learned from LBJ. Heap so Goddamn much praise on an enemy that no one will believe it.”
Right Joe. Easy to Bullshit a Bullshitter!
So Vlad, deal or no deal?
Well, Miss Foxy, as you have pointed out, there are times the ‘Sword is Mightier than the Pen.’
Xi, (nodding his head): But not the case when it’s in the hands of a Bull. Best he again sign away.
Right Sensei. Only one to draw ‘red lines’ is a killer matador.
Sensei, what do make of this exchange at La Casa Blanca?
Xi: Looks like the Bull once again felt the sting of the sword. Just a matter of time before it’s gutted.
I see you smiling Vlad. You agree?
Vlad: Sure, haven’t seen its nostrils fume since that fateful day. How can Ukraine trust getting ‘security guarantees’ from one who can’t be secured from not getting their ear blown off, yes?
Yes, Vlad, you of all people must understand not all are receptive to “Russian Intervention.”
Sensei, would agree with me. It appears to go back to Obama and his “red lines.” But unlike his predecessor, Trump’s decision to target Major General Qassem Soleimani appears to have had ulterior motives.
“In July 2015 Iranian Major General Qassem Soleimani visited Moscow to coordinate the Russian military intervention and thus forging the new Iranian-Russian alliance in Syria…Two months later, Iraq, Russia, Iran and Syria agreed to set up an intelligence-sharing committee in Baghdad in order to harmonize efforts in fighting…”
Looks like Ruski’s playbook list started in the Middle East. Vlad, so how did your meeting in Turkey finish?
He smiled, saying he preferred my address to Muscovites: My fellow citizens, judge not harshly that which you know little of. What do you know as a Citizen that you don’t as a Leader?
And as is his nature, he added chuckling: Be reminded, I am no Stalin, but I make a great host. Just ask the Brits and Yanks.
Xi: Yes Vlad, except for those who outstay their welcome. The look on Vlad face showed he was not pleased.
Gentlemen, What’s Plan B?
Sensei: ‘Let the chips fall where they may.’
Vlad: Miss Foxy, ask the CIA.
Or, will you again deal a Wild Card! † Kremlin ‘Sixth Position’?
Gentlemen, I find it best to look at this from all angles. Or, as Brad Cabana suggests seeing it from the Matryoshka Complex:
“One can look at all these conflicts in isolation…However, you do so at your own peril. Just like the Matryoshka doll…All are hidden from sight without taking them apart piece by piece. If you wish to understand the Russians, you must correctly understand the doll they are building.”
Speaking of dolls and shadows, CIA will you travel again in secret to Ukraine?
Xi: Tell us Miss Foxy, who is really “crazy like a fox”?
Gentlemen, before I bid you farewell, final question: Will it end with Ukraine, Europe or America?
Miss Foxy Leticia, real ultimate question: When the time comes will U.S. too take OUR deal?