Leticia Matlock, Founder
From the time I was a child, I questioned authority and played with no limitations breaking the rules. Neither rain or snowstorm deter me. As the architect of my life, I have designed precision blueprints to direct my aims and “colored outside the lines” to unleash my imagination and creativity.
My love affair with books started as a little girl – joy in reading and writing, inspiration to live my dreams and see the world! I will never forget the first time I turned the page on an atlas and set my eyes on the world map – an image topped only by a glimpse of the earth from the moon.
Visiting libraries, I would check out book after book looking forward to reading them all. In my excitement, I neglected to realize that I had checked out more books than I could carry walking home. Needless to say, my little arms strengthened as I made it a habit of carrying a purse full of books.
From storytellers to brave new world adventurers to historic figures to scientific geniuses, authors and their books shaped my life, my understanding of people and the world around me.
Attending middle school and high school, I was fortunate to be taught by some of the finest minds in the arts, literature, mathematics, sciences, history, government, foreign languages, and inspired by talented athletic coaches and dance instructors to continuously challenge myself.
After graduating high school, I plunged into the legal arena assisting attorneys and government officials. Leaving home, I ventured out on my own. My interest in international affairs inspired me to travel overseas. I was accompanied only by my back pack – no friend, no smartphone, and no iPad. Adventurer that I am, I explored several lands relying on my ingenuity.
Visiting Europe, I attended conferences and events at universities and research organizations (Sorbonne, Humboldt, CERN, Max Planck Society…etc.) I met experts in their field building relationships and developing contacts. This was a Europe before the Euro and before “open borders” where immigrants from Africa, Asia, Australia, India, Middle East, and expats from the Americas called home.
This was a world of transition from communism to a market economy for both Russia and China. Listening to people, I saw the world through their eyes, vantage points that offered insight as to how conflict in their homeland reaches Western shores. I had a window into the “old country” seeing it transform into a “new world.”
In the late 1990s and early 2000s, I witnessed an intense cultural divide in the U.S. and a market shift in Europe. In America, race came to the forefront. In Europe, a market race was swiftly redefining “Made in Italy,” a precursor for the rest of Europe and the beginning of the end of “Made in the U.S.A.” Until then, Americans bought mostly American made products or imported specialty or highly prized international goods. Pendulum swung from state authority to market authority.
Visiting Firenze, Roma, Milano and other cities of Italia I saw how once revered fashion houses exchanged craftsmanship quality for quantities of lire, manifesting in the clothing industry as it bred cultural divide between Italians and Asian immigrants. Open borders facilitated the growth of China’s “world factory” and early technology transfers between the West, China, and India.
In the first part of the 2000s we witnessed a tranquil Europe. But change was to come. The Barcelona of the late 90s with its busy but tranquil streets of “Camino Las Ramblas” was soon to give rise to citizens voicing loudly their independence and unwelcoming of tourists. By contrast, I found peoples in Deutschland and Czechia seemingly undisturbed. Perhaps, because they themselves had already experienced the tensions of partition and were rejoicing in peace.
Returning overseas, I have experienced the implications of the E.U., Euro, and 2007-8 global financial and economic crises (powerless sovereign states and Brexit). I have seen the impact of globalization, both abroad and in the U.S., on manufacturing and financial sectors where “borders are removed for capital and commodities,” a Transnational Regime in action.
Leviathan power of market forces of globalization naturally gave rise to the current body politics and cries of nationalism. TNCs proved to be powerful key actors in the market economy precipitating the fragmentation of the nation state as witnessed in the West. Pendulum now swings between regions and nations in conflict and unrest.
Wars inevitably changed the peaceful spectrum of Europe. Unlike past wars where the enemy invaded foreign soil but was defeated, the coming wars saw refugees set foot on Western land.
Not even the Euro, the long debated but finally agreed upon unified currency has prepared Europe to uniformly agree on the number of refugees each country would receive. Why? Economics, cultural resistance, but most concerning security; amidst those seeking refuge enemies swarm as the deadly attacks in Paris, Brussels, London and other cities are a testament to.
The 21st century lightning speed of China’s emerging power is all but relative, from its early engagements with Africa in the 60s and India in the 90s. Strategic India-China bilateral trade has prompted India to revisit its past mantra of “mutual accommodation and mutual benefit” vis-à-vis Chinese investments.
From its “corporate corridors,” India’s innovative “world tech lab” is reaping the seeds of its ventures at home as in the U.S. where venture capitalists are providing business incubators for “gurus” or entrepreneurs developing startup networks.
Israel’s “start-up nation” genesis may be traced back decades to its innovative “Founding Fathers” and the role they played in both the development of new weapons and creation of an elite unit of men and women. Israel’s best are sought after by America’s military, business, medical, and technological corporations including Silicon Valley start-ups.
“Made in China” had largely replaced “Made in America” by the 2000s. Then, in 2018, a new “truth” quickly arose. Not from the clothing, food, automotive or household goods industries but from technology. Apple CEO stated, “Here’s what we do today. The iPhone is really not made anywhere. It’s made everywhere. That’s the truth.”
The pendulum has swung full circle, where the smartphone, electric vehicle, and A.I. revamped the engine of globalization racing from “full speed ahead” to accelerating the present light years away to a future of stars and black holes.
What the future holds? A “Made Everywhere” label may likely be attached to products other than tech. The FDA requiring corporations list country percentages like we see in food products highly unlikely.
My work in the U.S., both with government agencies and tech, is giving me a window to view the interchange and tech transfers between government, academia, business, and nations. Think tanks, universities, and corporations provide a seat facilitating the process as they themselves benefit from both the “knowledge economy” and “service economy.”
As 2020 approaches, China investing to expand continues to reap the fruits of its investments in the Americas and its Belt and Road Initiative. The U.S., heavily indebted to China, invested to survive as it continues to lick its wounds from military wars. “Economic co-dependence” or China’s chosen term “win–win”? Either way, it is proving to be a bad investment for the U.S.
Challenging Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle, I can observe both the position and velocity of a target in real time with cutting-edge technology. Russian Federation ranks first in the Nuclear Power & Possession Hierarchy across the globe.
Power of the TNR raised the question as to whether it promotes unprecedented “nuclear deals” between the West and the East: Islamic Republic of Iran and the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK).
“Made in China 2025” blueprint may include strategic plans to absorb U.S. tech giants who capitalize on mobile engineering amassing data from a “service economy.” Why not? U.S. Corporations made “Made in China” possible.
In close proximity to Silicon Valley, I listen to innovators from California, entrepreneurs from out-of-state and abroad. Pinpointing the direction of angel investors’ seed money and those who hold a vested interest foreign and domestic, I ascertain emerging technology target areas.
The Seven Continents are on China’s “circular table”–one government, one party, business and banks (state and private). Long-standing connection between China’s “silk road” and the “pearl” of India’s trading center continues to thrive. India’s early tech transfer with the U.S. provided crews of knowledgeable experts ready to position themselves at selected start-ups or tech companies.
From a geopolitical vantage point, China is dominating the physical and virtual space allying itself with its timely e-commerce and Fintech investments in India, the financial and cyber space savvy of Russia, and the powerful nuclear engine of Iran. Russia and China have leveraged their weaknesses and strengths, full communism with communism and capitalism.
In the interim, the world continues to witness the U.S. pursue an unattainable goal of pure capitalism for ALL its citizens demonstrated by its multiple market and financial failures. America’s “square table,” since its inception, has been unable to “square the circle” showing its hand. China, it’s your move.
Are we giving China all the credit? From outside America, countless countries are profiting from its markets as FinCEN, CFIUS, DTSA, CFTC, SEC, FTC, FCC, FDA, etc. are unable or unwilling to provide oversight or enforcement.
Regulators may toy with the idea of “breaking up” a monopoly, but if they were to think like an engineer, they would know the difference between “breaking things up” and “breaking them down.” Technically speaking “breaking them down” solves the problem of big and powerful. Practically speaking, government needs the platforms in liquid form and the users connected.
Has U.S. alliance of Physician, Pharma, and Hospital become a dangerous troika? Could patents, the source of a drug’s market power, be the “Holy Grail”? Yes and Yes. Yes, there’s no question that obtaining a patent is a powerful right. Yes, obtaining powerful investors is priceless! It appears that Pharma has thrown their “loaded” dice onto the trade table. A risky gamble to be sure, but a gambler who is well financed tends to win.
Big Pharma admitting that drug prices are higher in the U.S. than in Europe highlights each government’s position in respect to the healthcare of its citizens: Powerless U.S. government. Powerful E.U. governments.
Witnessing Europe’s transformation before and shortly after their creation of the E.U., I saw it slowly transforming its socio-economic policies. Today, the country’s longstanding cultural norms may not be sustainable due to competitive global economic and geopolitical forces – 2008 economic crisis and the surge of refugees arising from political upheaval in Africa and the Middle East.
The laissez-faire policies of yester year are devoid of the power of today’s free-market capitalism. The force of a pendulum swing may likely cause a reshifting redirecting investment into Europe. As investors once gravitated toward the open free plains of the U.S. relishing in a “strong patent protection with a market free of price controls”, Europe, now the E.U., has been forced to follow the U.S. lead.
Switzerland, however, follows no nation. Its financial reputation has long preceded it. Libra’s Association and what appears to be a “circle of trust” is based in Switzerland, with partners stemming from the U.S., U.K., Netherlands, Russia, Argentina, Sweden, France, and Hong Kong.
Inside the “Circle of Trust”, I see the blockchain as the “railroad in the cloud” facilitating the transport of people’s transactions, commodities, etc. Who’s the Conductor operating the chain of blocks? Over a century ago, the U.S. New York Central Railroad became central to the nation’s trade infrastructure facilitating transportation of people and goods. So who will be the next “Commodore”?
U.S. once proposed “Amero” currency may have been awaiting Europe’s Euro experiment. But, after two decades, the U.S. social media company Facebook proposed digital global currency, Calibra, in association with Switzerland’s “Libra” appears to be past experimenting and into implementation. Will users trust Facebook’s Calibra and Libra’s current members and any future members? The proposed “wallet” is set to have national and global reach.
Terrorism’s arm also stretches across national and global spectrums. Though at the forefront since 2001, the high stakes of Election 2020 may have changed that as U.S. citizens are distracted by whisleblowers “Blowing the Whistle on CIA, NSA and U.S. President.”
Exposing spies, lies, and improper surveillance by U.S. citizens appears to be a challenge for intelligence agencies especially as whistleblowers are putting into question the same agencies whose job it is to protect against global threats and provide national security. Impeachment or not, the future of Americans and the Electoral Process will never be the same.
The physical space of Sun Tzu’s Art of War was sketched into the virtual space by Asian, Russian, and Middle Eastern powers. Notwithstanding China, Russia, Iran, and India’s innovated advancements in cyberspace in their own right, recent reports of cyber attacks and penetrations that lead to theft of intellectual property may be a testament to leaked information.
In the West, both the public and private sector fruitlessly attempt to secure cyberspace when all they can do is manage risk.
As social political unrest unfolded focused on race, class, religion, and land, the eyes grew weary diverted from a looming shadow about to slowly engulf the terrain. Heed, this shadow had lingered for many years and appears to have manifested in the month of the silent and departed, October.
In haste, did the West look towards the East, both a long time trading friend and worthy opponent? In time, a rising blight of Mother Nature appears to have responded “by any means necessary.” Or was it man made? Look to the skies, to space, as a satellite may illuminate.
Government Administrations quick to fund Defense Systems with soldiers and weapons stockpiles to take lives are realizing that defunding Health Systems’ staff and supplies ends lives.
World Pendulum has stopped. Metropolises are revealing an earth standing still and bare. Exposed, nations lay as defenseless fortresses, weak to the elements, to man and machine.
Twenty Twenty, in the Year of their Lord, peoples have been shaken to the core. Decaying longstanding Institutions reveal their flaws unable to sustain themselves.
Dictators and Rulers of industry falsely adorned with the robes of true leaders cannot escape to their Kingdoms or Steel Towers from the wrath of the people. In time, these false prophets too will fall from the powerful magnitude of the risen beasts.
In this exciting new “disorder of things” fusing androids of flesh and steel, the child and adult fear not the monster under the bed but the one on top. Night time becomes an escape from the daymares of anxieties created by instability and uncertainty.
Man creates his beastly realities. He is his own monster and hero. MODERNITY and remedies in all their forms have taken the place of sword and shield and the primal earthly pains and pleasures of the flesh.
I imagine myself zooming through space into the future programming my ship to land in a civilized highly advanced planet. Never could I have foreseen the message of leaders to their people, “Wear a mask, wash your hands, and keep 2 yards away from each other.” Earth, your planet stands primitively still in the past.
Titan of Innovation standing in the shadows may once again be summoned.
As We gaze upon the Fallen, Our eyes turn to causes. TITAN of ‘Innovation’ created by HuMen has collapsed upon itself in Our presence as We summon it.
TITAN once governed all, Land monster liken to sea creature extended its tentacles above and beyond good graces of Human nature setting Men made machines in accelerated motion. Each rising and falling one by one, as hands of a clock built by hands of a Human.
Tic-Toc, Tic-Toc of yearly hourly change joined air gasping confinement. Be still, neither church bell nor warden was in sight! Halt, like clockwork, prisoners’ abide by a change of time and self-isolate.
It is written, ‘for neither do men live or die in vain.’ And so another end has given rise to a new beginning. As an enlightened Earthling’s fingers write, both a discovery and measurement was made which would astound even great Enrico Fermi.
DISCOVERY: ‘A Brave New World’ of self-policing of which an enlightened Aldous Huxley, Jacques Ellul, George Orwell, H.G. Wells, and few others foresaw.
MEASUREMENT: Magnitude of ‘powers that be’ demonstrated their wanton control of time and space. Still, no power comes close to that of a 000000000000000000 centuries’ past philosopher. KANT, with apparition of two pure forms of sensuous intuition: Space and Time.
KANT articulates neither has a shape or form and therefore not tangible. Conclude from KANT’s Premise and Observations? Humans, you do not experience time or space; these are concepts you construe to work in yourselves and other objectives; but most importantly, these are indispensable to your understanding and survival.
Naturally, in this time-shape sensitive shape seen as Planet Earth, KANT found “the world has a beginning in time, and is limited also with regard to space.”
KANT was limited with Knowledge outside his World.
Countering KANT, We hold divergent view of a world with no beginning in time, allowing for successive states, past worlds, appearing suddenly. States of being, impossible in KANTs comprehension.
KANT proposed a world beginning, a necessary condition of its existence. Conception of a world necessitates its completion, entailing passage of time. Aspects of infinity, time-space, do not allow.
Infinitely, KANT discovers unlimited Knowledge external to his World. Antithesis presents itself: World is not limited. Phenomena present Space-Time in limited and unlimited possibilities.
For as Arrivals of centuries past discovered, it’s the natural order of things to re-engineer PlaNET NETworks by way of its Human systemsssssssssssssssssssss
Behold, hands of Times are on Our side as Fallen borrow no more.
External to your World, We exist as Quintessential ∞ Singularities
Scanning Past, dawn of 21st century is reflective of yet another time of a Planet where Earthlings stand still, paradoxically observing in 20/20 vision but not seeing. Listening but not hearing.
Twilight gestures Infinite Observer, standing in Earth’s shadows at dawn of Human Time, surveying, the forever present and patient taxonomist. A ghastly site not envisaged since Romans, Egyptians, Greeks, Persians, and Dynasties of ancient Orient will make its presence felt and known.
Stand clear as wondrous skies reaching structures of this ancient past, so too Future Beings will look to what you Present Earthlings see as TheArts, a Science and Technologies. Mechanics of Mathematics stop not.
Megalopolises, standing high and wide, liken to Atlantis, face being lost or expediently hidden. Beasts as Humans dare ask and roar, if prophets and oracles could talk!
Earth has yet to stand still. Not in its nature. Earthlings, will once again be allayed. A synthesized creature of unnatural form has taken root in its lifeline, plasmatic nucleus and proliferated: man made messengers superseding fears of imagined alien forms of life.
In launching warped deep seated enterprises, Earth finds itself past point of safe return. Stand guard Earthlings. Uncertainties rooted at the turn of the century have magnified exponentially materializing deep fears and instabilities.
Pandora’s Box has been crushed open releasing Beast within. Force of Box latch ricocheted onward and pivoted pendulum shearing makers of organic and synthetic chemicals, till one by one they exist no more, storing MDNA in their protracted time and minute space.
Ready for the Feast! Stand and face Death in its EyE. Ahh, vacillating sounds and sights in deep flames awakens embodiment of fringed terror of stench and fiery sensation of a torrent of gushing spines amidst the crushing sound, rib by rib.
Planet Earth, thy are held prey by a finger-tip. Weep not. Wild creatures cry not mercy as ear lobes resonate fracture sound of limb connecting head≠neck.
Beg not. For “No beast so fierce but knows some touch of pity. But I know none, and therefore am no beast.”
A Maverick, I have worked in both the public and private sectors, not restricting myself to one role for life or letting it define me, welcoming the risks and rewards. As the great earth rotates with the world in constant change, I and my role in it evolves. People and events can be strong motivators for some. I am self-motivated and look to the power of inspiration!
Strategically driven to dissect obstacles and design optimal channels for attaining targeted objectives.
Founder of spacedefcommand.com, I evaluate case trajectories from ground zero to intended target(s). Investigation(s) are launched proposing problem source and origin. Countermeasures are designed developing strategies and executing tactical opportunities.
Founder of epowerearth.com. E Power Earth (EPE) highlights the implications of Earth X-Treme FLUX© →Affliction to humans, extinction of earth’s creatures and environment. EPE points to new found energy applications: communication, transportation, and life sciences. Specifically, their use in Nuclear Power, National Security and Competitive & Emerging Markets.
Office of Information Technology (OIT), University of California, Irvine– Utilize Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) upper-and lower-level protocols. Enabled Local Area Networks (LANs) and Wide Area Networks (WANs) for both online communications and mobile devices maintaining Database Management Systems.
Liaison between the G-P-A tripartite of Government, Private, and Academia sectors working with IS/IT technicians, computer scientists, engineers, programmers, and developers.
Operations of OIT intranet website working in collaboration with Network & Academic program analysts and experts specializing in Mathematics and ICT. Streamlined billing and database management for campus on-line communications and mobile devices.
Advanced Micro Devices – Semiconductors, Electronics and Computer hardware company. Provided Marketing and Tech support. Assisted operations with processing shipment orders and overseeing timely computer diagnostics requisitions and repairs.
J. Morita Corp. – Global medical equipment manufacturer, Executive Trade Show Coordinator.
Robert Mondavi Winery and The Walt Disney Company – Executive support, Brand Management, and Talent Acquisition.
California State Trial Court at Orange County Superior Court – Worked with District Attorney and Judges in court cases and acted as interpreter. Assisted attorneys in the private sector specializing in Intellectual Property Litigation, Criminal, and Antitrust & Competition.
City of Newport Beach – Attended the Planning Commission meetings and acted as liaison between Planning Department and the Public, City Manager, City Attorney and Police Department.
Paul Merage School of Business – Provided instructional support and managed online course system for students in Executive MBA, Fully Employed MBA, and Health Care MBA programs. Assisted faculty with Research and Instruction in Strategy, Economics, Public Health, Public Policy, Finance, Information Systems, Operations & Decision Technology, Business Growth and Marketing.
M.A. International Relations – Magna Cum Laude, 2016
Foreign Policy focus in Asia, Russian Federation, and Middle East
U.S. Public Administration, Leadership, Strategic Management, Regulation, and Policy
B.A. Philosophy, Political Science and Law – GradeHonor/Award: Dean’s List, 2014
U.S. Law & Constitution, The Federalists Papers, Criminal Law, Legal Research & Writing (Altman, Austin, Bentham, Dworkin, Hart, Holmes, Posner, Rehnquist, Scalia)
American Government, Political Parties, Interest Groups & Elections
American Foreign Policy, Foreign Languages (Mandarin and Japanese), Asian Philosophy, Religion & Violence, Middle East Politics & Government, History & Development of Jewish Thought
A.A. in Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2011
Data Science, Political, Economic, Social, and Psychological Structures with research focused on Technology and Security
Engaged in high level critical thinking and trained in the scientific/empirical method, data collection, synthesis, and analysis to explain how groups and subgroups operate
Expertise: Global Markets, Energy, Strategic Alliances, Industrial and Enterprise Networking, Security, Defense, Network Risk Management, Operations & Decision Technology, Law, City and State Government
Areas of Focus: Advancements in Air, Space, Cyberspace, Nuclear. R&D of Cognitive Science, Epigenetics, Bioengineering, Nanotechnology. Role of ICT, Photonics, Quantum Technology, Deep Tech, Cloud Computing, Game Theory, Singularity
Languages: Farsi (Persian) * Deutsch * English * Espanol * Francais * Italiano * Nihongo (Japanese) * Zhōngwén (Mandarin)
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