Oil Giants: “Tar Pits” of Energy Patents and IP Transfers

World Accords are not new or reserved for Middle Eastern leaders. In fact, businesses from U.S., Iran, Europe, South America, Africa, and Russia have shaken a few hands going back a century and are as common as oil spills. But will their fate be of their own making and like prehistoric animals drown in tar pits?
Before these opportunists drown, they too may face modern technology’s wrath, as I point out in “Hacking the System Ӫ How Eagle Owls Dare Bring Down ↘ Energy “Shite-Hawks” on epowerearth.com
Oil giants like Sinclair Oil or British Petroleum (BP), ENI, and Gazprom have capitalized on joint ventures and political unrest. From the days of Iran’s Shah, Italy’s Fascism, and Russian Revolutions, companies have profited. Senator Dan Sullivan (R-Alaska) recently confirmed US “Importing more oil from Russia and Venezuela.”
BP, reported to have acquired Sinclair’s assets, set its sights on California. Not simply technology, but energy and IP transfers. A 2007 “Energy Biosciences Institute: Highlights of the Master Agreement” stipulates:
“The EBI is a collaboration between the University of California, Berkeley (UC Berkeley), Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab), the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC) and BP to promote, coordinate and fund research in the newly created field of energy biosciences…Funded by $50 million per year for 10 years from BP.”
What has changed since 2007? In a January 22, 2020 paper 5 Corporations Off Campus: Time to Expel BP and Monsanto Emma points out:
“Fossil fuel corporations are notorious for buying up clean energy patents. After buying the patents, they will claim “We now have people working on clean energy.” The problem is: the few “clean energy” projects they actually roll out are so small and at such a slow pace, they are meaningless. This is called green-washing, and it is a trick invented by PR firms to allow polluting companies to fool people into thinking that the company is “green” now, even though they can continue to pursue their carbon-based bottom-line.”
IP and Patents are mutually inclusive and beneficial for private/public pacts. Having worked at the University of California, Irvine I witnessed the research and development of their science and technology schools. From business to science to information technologies to engineering, R&D is patent centric. In fact, the University of California ranks high in the number of patents.

Patentdocs.org list the “Top 100 Universities Worldwide Granted U.S. Patents in 2016.” Kevin E. Noonan notes the “The National Academy of Inventors and the Intellectual Property Owners Association report… Overall, universities were granted 6,768 patents…” UC appears to continue to hold the top ranking.
Corporate funding in the form of grants, donations and sponsorships facilitate public-private accords. “As is standard practice in UC and most corporate-sponsored university research agreements, BP will have the first right to negotiate an exclusive, royalty-bearing license in the energy field…to IP rights owned by UC, UIUC or Berkeley Lab…and its qualified joint venture partners.”
Shoving conflicts of interests aside, the energy sector as government capitalized on their academic “collaborations.” Although the business of science goes back decades to industries like Tobacco, corruption as contamination has been found in some corporations’ R&D and Technology transfers from some universities.
Governor Gavin Newsom sits as President of the Board of Regents of the University of California. Governor Newsom’s reelection is being questioned. Is the Governor and members appointed by the Governor serving the interests of the People of California?
Opponents of some public-private deals argue “The prospect of giant carbon polluters directing research related to and gaining control of key energy technologies is very troubling – especially when the research is conducted at, and the technologies are developed in collaboration with, public institutions…”
It is not only critical to shine light on these “Shadow Institutions,” but judicially expose “Master World Accords” to stakeholders who have a vested interest: students, parents and the world.
“Death by a Thousand Cuts,” One Deadly Toxin or Bacterium
Brazil, Chile, Africa, India, UK, Australia… are victims of corrupted GMO, Pesticide and Fungicide Land
In South America, we find Brazilian trees cut down to make room for an increase of plants that produce seed oils for plants-based diets. Explains their abundance of use across frozen and shelf products from cooking oils to packaged breads and refrigerated Dairy and non-Dairy products.
Sold on the false perception of eating “green” healthy food, the public has discovered what Scientists and Nutritionists report: seed oils fat accumulation in the body produce long term negative effects. Clear example of how companies profit by capitalizing on the idea of “green.”
On the eastern coast, Chile’s fiery radiance from its copper mines comes second to it Energy source of fossil fuels. Multinational companies run the electric power operations in Chile and other South American Countries, with its largest shareholder Italian company Enel S.p.A. Foreign Return on Investment ROI is easily accomplished in countries which are dependent on international funding and who exercise little to no regulatory measures.
In Africa and India, negative ripple effect on farmlands falls on farmers. Yearly cycling of such events naturally creates uncertainties exacerbated by regions of economic instability. Brutal Death comes by starvation, suicide or disease as that incurred by viruses or lack of adequate health care.
Geopolitical forces promoting self-serving agendas by nation leaders and authoritarian governments that work against the people are compounded by private interests. Alliance of both creates servitude and sickness amidst a growing environment of toxic “black holes.”
A wall of shame will not deter biofuel or fossil fuel profiteers. Governments not executing penalties proportionate to the “blood on their hands” are complicit.
Emma may agree as she points out :
“Monsanto/Bayer has done the same thing out at UC Davis, where Monsanto/Bayer uses cheap graduate student labor to create genetically-modified seeds and organisms, with the corporation keeping the patents and deploying these organisms in a way that creates company profit without regard to massive starvation and farmer suicides in India, Africa, and around the world.”
Importing from “Down Under” we find UK farmers are not reticent voicing their concerns of Australian “cheap products.” Their fears may not be overstated given reports of questionable food practices in the midst of SARS, COVID-19, and India’s “Black Fungus.” But Brits, let not forget your history with “Mad Cow” disease.
U.S. publics lining up in a rush to vaccinate appear as cattle injected with antibiotics. Vacs and Herd Immunity are the answers given by the World Super Powers. Americans, it looks like farmers owned by big business did not hear your concern for food contamination as another reported alert for Tyson chicken recall has been released.
BUT, they heard your concern for eating meat or dairy products from animals injected with added hormones and antibiotics and are no longer adding it. No problem, we’ll just jab you. But is there a jab for Bacterial Infections, GMOs and Pesticides?
Peoples’ aspirations for a “greener” future have clearly been usurped by the very same culprits who continue to create the problems of fossil fuels. Emma asks, “Was BP really trying to profit from developing biofuels, or did BP seek power to hide clean energy patents away and to stop that technology from getting into people’s hands?” It appears the only “green” these companies are interested in are green dollar bills.
After almost a century, energy transfers and deals continue to be designed for fossil fuels and nuclear power alliances across the globe. Company schemes:
CEOs: First, compliment the people for their “green work” of recycling for pennies as companies profit from providing recycled goods at a high cost to the public. Second, pledge working towards being green decades away as you fund Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) or built nuclear power plants sequestering radioactive waste on somebody’s back yard or ocean.s
Shocking images of thousands of corpses laid to rest in Brazil, bodies burned in India and those kept refrigerated in New York awakened human reckoning. Like the beasts of the past whose fossilized carcasses were discovered in tar pits and melting glaciers, the near future will showcase for the world to see the crude images of oil giant greedy bastards!