ENERGY ↔ Fossil-Nuclear-Renewable: ‘Best of All Possible Worlds’ or a ‘Will to Power’?

Earth ≠ Man’s World
As Creatures see Sun rise in East, Singularities arise from bedlam of Nature and Man. Misfortune to one, befalls the other
Our claim to Earth is as Our World over the weak.
Whoever claims Earth is between You. Whoever disrupts Earth is between You and I
Our strength and power entitles us to ravage Earth. For ‘there is a method to our madness.’
Man, think Yourself impervious? Confuse not invincibility with immortality
Options abound. For “there are more things in Heaven and Earth…”
As the genesis of Atoms, Elements of Man to return from whence it came
Find you will the ”Atomic Apex: Synthesized Elements for Nuclear Reactors and Weapons Upgrade”

Earth is perceived by Plato as intangible and timeless. Whereas Aristotle views it as the ‘here and now’, an ‘in your face’ view. Perspectives are multidimensional and in two dimensions, respectively.
Plato and Aristotle’s constructs of the cause of and experiencing Earth’s rotation need not conflict. Form is to work in unison with Function.
Yet, Da Vinci is adamant in his view of the requisite of cause being a priori to experience.
Man’s innate spirit appears to run decidedly with Aristotle’s hard and chaotic ‘natural world.’
Counter to Plato’s universe seen as the “handiwork of a divine Craftsman…who brought order to an initially disorderly state of affairs. It is a living thing.”
Whereas “Aristotle’s teleology is local, with no more than a few hints at a global level.”
In Plato’s Timaeus , Donald Zeyl and Barbara Sattler put forth what I see as the ultimate question for philosophers and we in the world, “Given that the world as a whole is the best possible one within the constraints of becoming and of Necessity, what sorts of features should we expect the world to have?”
Plato deems the immediate resolution is to bring “mathematical order on a preexistent chaos.” Perhaps earth is preordained to be in flux. Why shift it?
Zeyl and Sattler point out:
“The well being of a rational soul consists in its being well ordered, and so the goal of human life…is to realign those revolutions with those of the universe at large.”
Plato, what say You? “The explanation offered in the Timaeus is that order is not inherent in the spatio-material universe; it is imposed by Intellect, as represented by the Craftsman.”
For Aristotle, “it is not a divine Craftsman but nature itself that is said to act purposively.”

William Shakespeare may have been inspired by Leonardo da Vinci. Still, in the presence of the work of the ‘Craftsman’ I find Plato and Aristotle.
Yet, Centuries earlier, I observed the Iranian poet-prophet guru Zarathushtra Spitama holding the world in his hand. Oh, how HE influenced All with his presence.
Indeed Cyrus the Great may too have inspired greatness in Zarathushtra.
Yet, strive for preeminence has not brought nobleness, morality, righteousness, beneficial, safety delightful, ablest, fairness….to ALL.
Man, for all of nature’s or God given intellect, you managed to reduce it to the artificial. From a ‘Clash of Civilizations’ you have now entered a ‘War of Worlds’ exploiting that which you depend on for survival, the core four elements: Earth, Water, Air and Fire.
What possible intrinsic value could ‘precious’ stones and ‘critical’ minerals hold in comparison to them? I remind You ALL:
“The world’s body is composed of fire (for visibility) and earth (for tangibility), but these so-called elements require the mediation of air and water in a progression of proportion to bind them together into a unified, concordant whole.”
Ironic that in an attempt to rekindle power, one turns to source of Earth’s fire, air and water.
Man has an innate ability to place ‘value.’ Indeed, a different value on the same object: “One man’s trash is another man’s treasure.” What of two distinct objects in two distinct places?
Wilhelm Gottfried Leibniz notes in his New Essays, “two things that exist in different spatio-temporal locations are distinct.” What of Worlds?
“Worlds are distinguished in terms of intrinsic properties of individuals and that this difference has a bearing on the relative greatness or perfection of a world.”
So too the ‘Modern Man.’
In the Year of their Lord, Twenty Twenty-Four, individuals deemed ‘human’ of Earth have accorded minerals ‘intrinsic properties of individuals.’
Yet, this World, Earth, bears not ‘relative greatness or perfection,‘ but deemed a ‘Just World.’
Reckon You will that a just world ≠ sustainable planet for property or individuals.
Past, Present and Future take on favorites. Car or Doll once treasured as a child may not be so for your grandchild. Idea of a World ‘moving forward’ or progressing does not necessarily constitute a positive outcome for all, in the Future.
From the Amazons we hear cries with a familiar tune. Angst for minerals the wind brings from its brother in Africa. But these cries are muzzled with Man’s words, ‘Building a just world and a sustainable planet.’ ‘Just’ for whom?
Leaders’ heads nod and mouths regurgitate. But the Individuals whose Belongings and Land is no more read between the lines of their smiles. Notion of ‘sustainable’ stands for how long can we keep this façade.
If this is not the ‘Best of All Possible Worlds’ consider the alternatives, some may say. No fuel means no instant energy source. Others say your energy and monetary gains are our loss.
Destruction of land and its critical resources – water and air. End of Us.

Glimpse from the heavens points to four continents:
Who better to direct their view than Naṣīr al-Dīn al-Ṭūsī. Branded Persian polymath does not even begin to list his many talents as a Scientist, Philosopher, Physician…
al-Tusi’s influence on Copernicus is undeniable. No question that the scientific ideas of the Middle East made their way to Europe. Ironically, so too the source of their energy and the problem that came with it.
Source: Two Authoritarians share a Sea and Two Rulers share a Gulf.
Problem: Two Tyrants share an Ocean.
Magnitude of life and land loss at the hand of Hundreds of these ‘Leaders’ falls on BILLIONS of People.
Desert Mirage blinds nations of its problem leaving the rest of the World to see the awful truth: Crystal clear, value is placed on $TRILLIONS in profitable pacts.
You will not “cross that bridge when you get to it’ because there will be no bridge to cross. All that remains are ashes from the flames.
In this World you call your own, Your People are living and dying in it. Sun rises Supreme in Eastern desert vanquishing its Water source.
Men manipulating and capitalizing Earth’s minerals falsely model themselves as the ‘Craftsman’ and liken to “philosopher-rulers to imitate in exercising their statecraft.”
And rationalize their actions with ‘it is what it is’ mentality. As Christians, do “they know not what they do’?
al-Tusi’s poem is quiet clear:
“Anyone who knows, and knows that he knows,
makes the steed of intelligence leap over the vault of heaven.
Anyone who does not know but knows that he does not know,
can bring his lame little donkey to the destination nonetheless.
Anyone who does not know, and does not know that he does not know,
is stuck forever in double ignorance.”
Leaders, feeding the endless avarice appetite of Patrons, you became both their Source and your People the Recipient of their Toxic Waste. Exponential costs to remedy far exceeds number of Earth’s creatures. Balance calls for a reversal of fortune.
Yes, Leonardo reminds You ALL, liken to creatures, ‘Earth has a living soul, flesh in its soil’!
A time called for Whales to be gutted for their OIL. So too a TIME will call for OILMEN to be gutted for their AVARICE.
When a miner painfully feels being caved in Earth’s mines with no way out he dies of thirst, but not before tasting the mineral dust he awakened rise to the air inflaming his lungs.
A TIME comes when you ALL stop digging and drilling.
And Where your Ends justify your Means☻

Consider ALL Alternatives
Philosophers and Physicists may theorize with, “There must be a reason why a is here and b is there, and this reason has to do with the intrinsic properties of a and b.”
Perhaps we can discover this reason in Leibniz’s principle of ‘Identity of Indiscernibles’ known as ‘Leibniz’s Law.’ Basically, “no two distinct things exactly resemble each other…[or] no two objects have exactly the same properties.”
Yet, they appear to work in concert. As do the core four elements: Earth, Water, Air and Fire.
If singularities are entrenched in the history of this World, named Earth, the presence of Yin-Yang or what Zoroaster terms the Asha (order) and Angra Mainyu (Destructive Spirit) abounds. Yet, unlike the Chinese bipartite, his troika includes a third, the Druj (deception).
I find reliance on Earth’s resources critical and provocative as string theory. While some see both as unattractive and puzzling, others see ‘no viable alternatives.’
Yet, the renowned physicist Lee Smolin’s view appears to coincide with the inherent harmony of the properties of Yin-Yang, order and disorder. Smolin sees the actual query in all this is to consider alternatives.
“The real question is not why we have expended so much energy on string theory but why we haven’t expended nearly enough on alternative approaches.”
Yes, let’s see and consider the other alternatives. Ultimately, the status quo is an unsustainable future for Earth’s creatures.
Entertaining such measures and future brings me back to Zarathushtra, or as the German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche proclaims, Thus Spoke Zarathustra.
A moralistic stance appears to convey life’s long time battle between right and wrong. Yet, pushing the envelope, Nietzsche diverges, seeing it Beyond Good and Evil.
Let’s push further…………… There must be a reason why Problem is here and Source is there. Why the West is here and the East is there.
Man battling his own intrinsic Value and Nature in a ‘Will to Power.’