Devilish Trifecta of ‘Merchants of Death’, Behold Primum Movens!

In these days of U.S. memorializing war heroes, it is critical to unmask hidden purveyors of war, ALL of them! Mystery? Let’s start with Warren Buffett and Sir Roger Carr.
“Chubb Ltd. was the mystery stock being accumulated by Berkshire Hathaway Inc.” What say the former chairman of Chubb and BAE Systems?
Merchants of Death, in Saudi Arabia’s war with Yemen, BAE Chairman Sir Roger Carr stated, ‘We maintain peace by having the ability to make war and that has stood the test of time.”
Carr, sounds “Orwellian.” Read George Orwell’s Nineteen Eighty-Four? In London’s Ministries of Oceania you find slogans: “WAR IS PEACE”, “FREEDOM IS SLAVERY”, and “IGNORANCE IS STRENGTH”.
A shareholder’s response, “Your defence reminds me of the IG Farben defence at the Nuremberg tribunals’. It was an IG Farben subsidiary that made the Zyklon B gas used to murder Jews and others in Nazi concentration camps during the second world war.” IBM, Dow DuPont, sound familiar?
U.S., attempting to walk in the war path of the Führer? Be forewarned, he walks alone and takes no prisoners.
Lockheed Directors proclaim ‘global security.’ Yet, the farce of seven on the Board who once claimed a patriotic loyalty serving their country in Defense or State Government gain financially. Reported practice of ‘price gauging’ has put a ‘choke hold’ on their Pentagon.
SEC report of April 27, 2023 LOCKHEED Shareholder’s Meeting findings:
Akerson served as an officer on a Naval destroyer from 1970-1975…Carlson is a former four-star general in the United States Air Force…Donovan former chair of the National Security Telecommunications Advisory Committee (NSTAC)…Dunford “fighting Joe” is a retired United States Marine Corps four-star general…Ellis is a retired 4-star admiral and former Commander, United States Strategic…Johnson was United States Secretary of Homeland Security from 2013 to 2017…Taiclet was a pilot in the United States Air Force…Two wenches headed oil companies but don’t warrant mentioning.
Vote on Proposal 2 – Compensation of our Named Executive Officers APPROVED and Vote on Proposal 3 – Frequency of Holding Votes on Say-on-Pay was APPROVED
Vote on Proposal 6 – Issue a Human Rights Impact Assessment Report was REJECTED
UN and ICC see an easy mark for charges on human rights. Heed, your symbolic gestures not inspire blind fools! Unforgiven, for you know of that you speak and do. Unlike you, I know quite well the young Americans whom are your intended audience. Be patient, their unmasking will come soon. J
Meantime, care to turn your gaze to the Dutch ship killing men inhumanely. Cowardice speaks volumes in fear and allegiance to the US. Israel, time to keep your enemies and friends closer or further away?
Joe, you can set restrictions all you want, but who do you think has directly been supplying Israel weapons? Recall BAE Chairman Carr’s words in May of 2016: “We are not here to judge the way that other governments work, we are here to do a job …” BERKSHIRE, L3HARRIS, NORTHROP, RAYTHEON, LOCKHEED, sound familiar?
Carr reportedly ‘insisted that Saudi Arabia, as a crucial ally to Britain, was an entirely appropriate customer for BAE’s weapons and services.’ Hmm, guess NATO and Kingdom find not Ukraine or Israel a ‘crucial ally’ or an apropos buyer.
As in past times, I am reminded of “Zaharoff, Merchant of Death.” Japan’s ‘Zaibatsu’ too comes to mind. My Sensei tells me, by design, they are fluid pointing to the ‘Big Four’ primarily Mitsui Group. Of course Parents, Subsidiaries and M&As being what they are, it’s anyone’ guess who they really are.
To be fair, Berk and BAE, ‘bullish’ companies are not the only ones being insured. Reportedly, a running Presidential candidate has ‘bonded’ with the chubby old boy. Politicians and Corp Executives ‘are like dwarfs sitting on the shoulders of giants’ of their own making shaking hands with ‘blood money.’
Rendezvous of choice? Ships as Thieves register or incorporate in the ‘Devil’s Triangle.’ Larry Kusche claimed Triangle’s mystery ‘solved’ concluding t’s was a “manufactured mystery.” Right, old boy. But that was 50 years ago and a different ‘mystery.’
Today, we find ‘Triangles’ in and around Shadowy Seas. Manufactured mysteries of these Trifectas are intentional and transnational. Bermuda Triangle is not only reserved for sunken sea and aircraft. Incorporations too appear to drown themselves almost disappearing. And like that, they are gone!
If China is as I term the ‘World Merchant Supplying and Controlling the Chains’, then only natural for its competitors to ‘pull its chains.’ Japan, recall Fujitsu’s bid for Fairchild Semiconductor?
Good news! American’s CFIUS has had more strikeouts than anyone can count. My Japanese friends, appears your moves are as good as Yamamoto. But can you pitch and hit the ball like “Shotime?” Brits, looks like all eyes are on you and your spies and lies!
America, funny how in the 18th Century you declared Independence, just to claim alliance two centuries later to the King of England. Or, have they been in control of your allegiance all along?
Sure, Americans love to ‘poke the bear’ critiquing this Georgian ‘foreign agents bill’ called “Kremlin-inspired.” But tell us Yanks, how do you rationalize ‘dollar bills’ from foreign countries (British companies) in campaign donations to both your parties?
CFIUS is a joke! U.S. Sanction list runs side by side ALLY business lists.
Ukraine, bet you wish you’d called the Brits instead of the Yanks. Says BAEs Roger Carr, “We try and provide our people, our government, our allies with the very best weapons, the very best sticks they can have, to encourage peace.”
Yanks, you talk a good game, but World knows your ownership of American businesses is in name only. Oh, I see a smiling Brit, Japanese, Chinese, Russian, Dutchman… 🙂
Maersk, ‘Flying Dutchman’ How Deep Are Your Pockets?

Objection! Actual game is called ‘passing the buck.’
Attorney Marisa Huber argues, “The buck stops with the vessel owner.” Closing Statement?
Counselor, are you overlooking the two other players, Maersk who chartered the vessel and the one who reportedly managed it, Synergy Marine Group and now Searchlight Capital Partners?
Grace Ocean is said to have originally ‘docked’ in Singapore. The SEC witnessed it shaking hands with Japan’s Mitsui, whose parent is said to be owned by the American, Berkshire Hathaway.
NTSB and FBI are investigating. Let’s cut through the bull shit. Let me spell it in plain cryptic English:
Dirty Dan ‘Dutch Boy’ chartered a ship by Hooligan Hong & Hathaway owned by Shy Berk and managed by Slimey Sam Partners from US, UK, and Canada. Berkshire, is that why you acquired NRG, a Dutch life reinsurance company?
‘Guilty by Association’? Even if liability is determined, will penalty be applied to private equity firm of three stooges and the big Bull conglomerate?
Funny, U.S. looking to ban TikTok all the while Chinese Americans sell their ships to China’s Military? 🙂
Boeing, Is That Turbulence or Money Falling From the Skies?

Boeing, appears that ‘death becomes you.’ First Whistleblowers. Now Passengers! Hear your latest bird left “20 still in intensive care as Brit who died” prompted another NTSB investigation?
Image of another plane on fire appears to be a metaphor for you. Boe, just heard one of your birds was forced to land because “engine catches fire mid-flight.” Or was it due to the DOJ report arguing you violated deal of 737 Max Crashes?
Settlements speak volumes. “In exchange, the company paid $2.5 billion — a $243.6 million fine, a $500 million fund for victim compensation, and nearly $1.8 billion to airlines whose Max jets were grounded.”
Let me get this straight. People’s lives were recklessly cut short. But the Majority of the billions went to the airlines? Risk taking is now part of doing business AND boarding flights?
Boeing, how did you arrive at $500 million to disperse between the families of “A total of 346 people were killed in two fatal Boeing 737 MAX crashes”? Adding insult to injury:
“Boeing’s Legal Dispute: Did 737 MAX Victims Suffer Pain Before the Crash?”
OBJECTION! According to Judge Jorge Alonso
“There is sufficient evidence to support a reasonable inference that these passengers experienced pre-impact fright and terror, and that experience is part of the ‘process or manner of death… crash, horrifically,'”
Boeing’s motion was rejected.
Let’s see how Residents of East Palestine respond after Norfolk settlement.
NORFOLK, “The Cat Must Be Killed or Belled” to Make it Right!

“When monopolies succeed, the people fail…when a legislature is bribed, the people are cheated.” – H. D. Lloyd
In my March 2023 paper, “Treacherous Railroad Monopolies: All Deaths and Derailments Lead to U.S. Presidents and Congress” I point to the Rise of Precision Scheduled Railroading (PSR) and End of its Pioneer in 2017!
The Wall Street Journal headlined, “CSX Chief Hunter Harrison Has Died.” But not the use of PSR. Harrison, it’s a damn shame ‘you can’t take it with you.”
Fast forward to 2023, we see the words of James A. Squires, Norfolk Southern Chairman, President, and CEO: “Dare to reimagine what our industry can and will be…vision for its future.” James, dare all you want.
The Commodore has long been laid to rest in the past as has CSX Chief Hunter Harrison. Industry too is of the past, a reality Norfolk seems hard pressed to accept.
ATTENTION: National Transportation Safety Board and Residents of East Palestine, Ohio Meeting on Tuesday, June 25, 2024
The NTSB will conduct “its final board meeting on the 2023 train derailment and subsequent hazardous material release and fires.“ NTSB board members, before you “vote on the final findings, probable cause, and recommendations” and ‘changes to the draft final report” read my findings:
Norfolk Southern states “$600 million settlement underscores commitment to making it right.” Adding, “This agreement does not include or constitute any admission of liability, wrongdoing, or fault.”
NTSB, confirm deal was done ‘in principle’ not with principles. Nothing ‘right’ about it. Enough with shyster settlements!
First, “Many remain concerned about contamination and say they do not trust the assurances they have received from Norfolk Southern and state and federal officials that their town and homes are safe.”
Second, only ‘making it right’ for residents within ‘20-mile radius from the derailment’?Norfolk Southern, states it “operates a customer-centric and operations-driven freight transportation network…with connections to every major container port on the Atlantic coast as well as major ports in the Gulf of Mexico and Great Lakes.”
Norfolk, that’s over a 3,000 mile radius! If you ‘safely moved the goods and materials’ then you dangerously moved toxic chemicals for your customers?
And to top it off, “the number of derailments at the five biggest railroads increased last year.”
Third, EPAs Administrator has the gall to say with a straight face “That’s why President Biden pledged from the beginning that his administration would stand with the community every step of the way.”
How safe can it be when President DID NOT set foot in Palestine for A YEAR!
Liken to the Centers for Disease impotence of CONTROL, the Environmental Agency charged in PROTECTION is inept.
America, the Beautiful Bullshitter!
‘The Country that controls you will destroy you.’ – Leticia Matlock
American Businessmen, let me enlighten the so called philanthropists. Giving back is not the same as paying back.
Many of you will be remembered for your worst acts. Just ask the Scottish born immigrant Carnegie about the Homestead Strike. Still, it appears his reputation preceded him. Remember truth behind thousands killed and “THE CAUSE OF THE JOHNSTOWN FLOOD”?
In his biography of Andrew Carnegie, David Nasaw references a letter from Theodore Roosevelt:
“[I have] tried hard to like Carnegie, but it is pretty difficult. There is no type of man for whom I feel a more contemptuous abhorrence than for the one who makes a God of mere money-making and at the same time is always yelling out that kind of utterly stupid condemnation of war which in almost every case springs from a combination of defective physical courage, of unmanly shrinking from pain and effort, and of hopelessly twisted ideals. All the suffering from Spanish war comes far short of the suffering, preventable and non-preventable, among the operators of the Carnegie steel works, and among the small investors, during the time that Carnegie was making his fortune…. It is as noxious folly to denounce war per se as it is to denounce business per se. Unrighteous war is a hideous evil; but I am not at all sure that it is worse evil than business unrighteousness.”
Damning? Damn shame few Presidents today put ink to paper describing evil of Men. Take a listen to the late vice chairman of Berkshire Hathaway, Charles Thomas Munger: “Good businesses are ethical businesses. A business model that relies on trickery is doomed to fail.”
Path and direction chosen by nation leaders will determine the fate of their people. Whether you stand with a Socialist, Communist or Capitalist, you will do well not to cross each other’s paths. Leave that to the World Merchants.
Merchants, fail or be taken down, reputation and all! It is the natural order of things. Ghosts of the past paid you a visit? Fret not, you will all join them soon enough. Forget not the Lord’s true Angel of Death. For if ‘only the good die young’ the bad die yelling!
Primum Movens!
The “Devilish Trifecta of ‘Merchants of Death’” has long worked hand in hand with theGlobalGatekeepers of Supply Chains, Ships-Planes-Trains.
Far, far removed from Ulysses’ order, “The rule of many is not good; one ruler let there be.”
Homer, as Aristotle, fell victim to naïveté and man’s very own nepotism. Man’s eye beholds beauty in his own idea of perfection and indivisibility, an idea far removed from intelligence and truth.
Men’s prayers relying on, ‘God is everywhere’ have gone nowhere unanswered.
Cometh forward Alexander’s Mentor! Aristotle mused of an ‘unmoved mover’ many centuries, empires and dynasties ago. Still he overlooked the unobserved, and HER power to move…
Behold Primum Movens! And like that, SHE is…