Deadly Troika (Employer-INSURANCE-PBM): What Doesn’t Kill You Makes Us Money!

Cartel Venue Systems (CVS), now that the old man is dead…Judge not another’s actions until you walk in their shoes!
“It is not the critic who counts; The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena…who does actually strive to do the deeds… ― Theodore Roosevelt
Shamefully, NO ‘leader’ today dares face SOBs, leaving it to the People’s pitchforks! Not about capitalism, communism or socialism. Simply corrupt greedy bastards.
So where’s the ‘breaking news’ of Mother burying her son or Father his daughter. Or, Child their Parent? All on account of an operation or medicine DENIED.
Moral compass? For religious hypocrites who easily accept the fate of your child in heaven, not by the Grace of God, but the DISGRACE of the deadly tie between Employer-Insurance-PBM, that is your cross to bear.
For others, Intrepid compass calls for knotting these bastards’ necks.
Insurance Companies: Blueprint for Life, Death, and Bankruptcy?
Little man holding the ‘blueprint’: Behold, “I’ll write the last word in your little book’ of contracts.
So what was the impetus for this deadly ‘blueprint’? In July 2019, I shared my childhood story, “U.S. Dangerous Troika? – Physician, Pharma, and Hospital.”
“Scars remind us that the past was real” – Shakespeare
In NPRs Alex Blumberg 2009 article “Accidents Of History Created U.S. Health System”, we find that “When the Great Depression hit, almost every hospital in the country saw its patient load disappear.”
Then came WWII. Enlistment raised the demand for workers, motivating Employers to offer an incentive to attract them – Health Insurance. And what we know today as Health Management System (HMO) – deadly roots of INHUMANE CARE.
Not long after, a new form of ‘carpetbaggers’ came along. ‘Quacks’ and quackery still exists – Insurance companies, doctors, pharma, and hospitals that are ‘working the system.’
Hospitals were back in business. Hmm, whatever happened to the ‘apple a day’ advice from Docs? FOOD & DRUG system gave rise to sick care system.
Then, a pandemic over flooded hospital beds. VACS were the containment. FACTJECTIONS for obesites were the ‘preventative care’ for a ‘self-inflicted’ disease.
After the war, “The Baylor idea became hugely popular. It eventually got a name: Blue Cross.” A sick & profitable template was designed.
The sick irony here was like witnessing the hand of a surgeon removing an organ from a healthy patient pronounced dead only to see it re implanted into the body of sick person.
Stranglehold from all sides – Employer-Insurance-PBMs. But Drug dealers relied on the gatekeepers for coverage – EMPLOYERS. Tailored and determined by employee classes (i.e. Executives, Top-level Management, and peasants).
Pharmacy got in on this circus act by creating and managing a system now termed a Pharmacy Benefit Manager (PBM). What better way to streamline Employees’ personal data than by accessing their health records?
“CVS Health acquired the Aetna insurance network in 2018 in a $69 billion merger that created a major alliance linking patient care, prescription drugs and other services.”
Wow, it’s like the PBMs know all your ailments and addictions. Motto: Got a drug for that!
But Corporations like FAT Bastard banks and pharma got tired of their Employees complaining they were told by their Pharmacy ‘Your drug is not covered under your Employer’s plan.’ And so bastards came up with a three-ring circus to separate Employer from Employees:
They hired 2nd and 3rd party contractors for Employees to call for benefits and complain about claims.
NEW RACKETS: New Job? Used to be when your boss found out you bought a house, he’d say ‘I own your ass for the next 20 years.’ Today, companies’ new angle is to include a health survey liken to a new patient health form in their application process. Sure you can skip it. But their system will automatically drop you.
PBM House Counsel came up with a ‘Disclosure’ in October: “Happy to ship your meds but total fees may not be paid by your insurance company so expect a bill.”
Unless you separate your boss from the drug makers & dealers (Pharma, Insurance and PBM) you will be at the mercy and control of all four. ‘Employees First’? Sure, to pay and die.
Perhaps the same crisis that opened these floodgates, WAR, will close them. As it stands, foreign competitors and enemies need their investment in over 300 million ‘cattle’ ALIVE.
Countries and Corporations have the power to control you or destroy you. New kinds of WARRIORS need to rise! DEADLY BLUEPRINT OF EMPLOYER+INSURANCE+PBM NEEDS TO BE BURNED!
End to the Bastards!

And for those that claim they ‘don’t know who these middlemen are” how the fuck are going to take them down? Right, just pin the drug maker against the dealer.
Politician or Imbecile, in the words of the Great Caesar, ‘allow us to be generous’ and help you: #UNITEDHEALTHGROUP #CIGNA #EXPRESSSCRIPTS #BLUESHIELD #AETNA #CVS #CAREMARK #OPTUM
In June, I highlighted the end of an SOB: “Cartel Venue Systems CVS→ Ω End to the Bastards!”
Bastards, only fitting all three lived and died by your own sword!
“I didn’t attend the funeral, but I sent a nice letter saying I approved of it.” – Mark Twain
Mr. Stanley Goldstein, founder of CVS, I hear that when it came to store logo, using initials ‘made putting up signs a lot cheaper.’
Funeral homes also say you can make your loved ones’ gravestones a lot cheaper if you shorten name to just RIP. Tell us, how much are the lives of your sons and grandchildren worth?
This Sick Care System is by design and not broken, but it will break you! Yep, hear business of sick people is pretty good. “CVS retail and health-care empire whose annual revenue now surpasses companies such as Exxon and Microsoft.”
“Caremark” you’re busted! PBM “agreed to pay $38.5 million in a multistate settlement of claims that it was deceptive when it encouraged patients to switch prescription drugs under the guise of saving money.”
State Settlements include:
“Arizona, Arkansas, California, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Illinois, Iowa, Louisiana, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, North Carolina, Ohio, Oregon, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Vermont, Virginia, Washington and Washington, D.C.”
That’s 29 States. Damn, that’s over half the country GREEDY BASTARDS!
‘Payback’s a Bitch’!
Aetna, policy on security? Ironic, seems life insurance companies too will be making a killing. Hmm, how does it feel to live in fear? 🙂
“The dark deference of fear…will keep the dogs obedient to the whip…” Marquis St. Evremonde.
Johnson & Johnson, this FEBRUARY 5th marks a year when Bloomberg Law, Reuters, StatNews and others reported: “Johnson & Johnson’s self-funded health plans pay inflated prices to pharmacy benefit managers.” No surprise, another PBM!
What does it says when Your own Employees launch a class action lawsuit and YOUR own “healthcare policy and advocacy director, accuses Johnson & Johnson of breaching its duty under the federal Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 (ERISA) to prudently manage employee benefit plans.”
And some question nationwide praise for payback? Unlike a ‘clean sweep’ of killing close to 50,000 innocent people in Gaza, this mission was of a strategic & tactical nature – TARGETED PRECISION.
Informant? Surprising motivation for public aid was only $10,000 when target is worth millions? Actually, makes sense given ‘SERVICE’ economy proliferates in public domain. And who do we find in this battle ground arena? Low wage workers and migrants. So the bounty seems more than sufficient.
But few question what appears to be a clandestine operation of a CEOs sunken ship. Ironic, victim here seeking payback appears to be another CEO.
Media pundits are quick to judge professing ‘two things can be true at the same time.’ Well here are two truths: 1. Man can be a loving Father and Friend. 2. Man can also be a deadly Feign and Scoundrel. Incidental or convenient, kill one you kill the other?
Jack Nicholson’s words come to mind in As Good As It Gets, “I’m drowning here. And you’re describing the water?” People are DEAD and DYING! And you’re describing the deadly system?
CEO bastards, appears if this is ‘as good as it gets’ for the people, you will get what’s coming to you!
Critics, in condemning one for being ‘Judge-Jury-Executioner’ condemn the MANY OTHERS.
Corrupt Businessmen and Politicians. Lobbyists petitioning Congress or Leeches buying them off? A Red Line has been crossed with their blood. I remind you of the Lobbyist who shot his brains out a few years back.
Interesting. Avarice of this nature abounds principally in the Americas. Yet, Perverse Mendacity of the Church abounds Worldwide – so called ‘boy lovers.’
Imagine if person taken down was not a businessman wearing a suit but was a pedophile dressed up as a Catholic/Christian ‘man of the cloth’? Media pundits who would you judge?
Shocked of ‘brilliant’ people taking action? Appears they have more to lose. And yet, they risk it all! Why? He or She cannot, not do it.
No, not ‘Robin Hood” but a wealthy hooded individual that takes revenge on the greedy who proliferate in their circle. “Mark of Zorro”?
The People have spoken. And it cuts through ALL Parties, ALL Nationalities, ALL Genders, Private Citizens or Military. Just ask Veterans and their families who have sacrificed and honorably served their country about their Health Care at the Walter Reed National Military Medical Center.
Real Leaders with Values. Recipients of the Medal of Honor: Master Sgt. Earl Plumlee (Ret.) and Edward Byers, Navy SEAL (Ret.). I agree, ‘No Regrets.’
Next CEO Dealt ‘Ace of Hearts’?
In my October 6th 2021 paper, “CEOs Ӫ “Hot Seat” to “THE CHAIR” I point out how a select few sold the world on the idea that their inherited “power and greed” was best left to them, as they held Your lifeblood in their hands.
But don’t be fooled. It is YOU that “holds their life in your hands” – texting and sharing it all.
“Lawmakers,” the public has had enough with your playing “musical chairs.” All have been judged by the “court of public opinion.” Verdict: “THE CHAIR.”
Founders of America’s Constitution & Declaration of Independence, fighting against Religious Persecution and your ‘God given Rights’, what say you of this ‘Social Contract’?
John Locke: “The state of nature has a law of nature to govern it… and may not, unless it be to do justice on an offender, take away, or impair the life, or what tends to the preservation of the life, the liberty, health, limb, or goods of another.”
Yes, Locke. But your premise relies on the presumption of ‘all things being equal.’ That not being the case, ‘justice on an offender’ is so ordered.
Thomas Hobbes, “In the state of nature profit is the measure of right.” Right Hobbes, still you note, in Leviathan, “Covenants, without the sword, are but words and of no strength to secure a man at all.”
Indeed Hobbes, “Homo homini lupus” (“Man, to man, is a wolf”).
Gentlemen, nicely put. Appears your contract too called not for heroes but MONSTERS.
CEOs and Board actions and inactions have landed him or her in the ‘hot seat’. As played out in the 1921 silent film, ‘Ace of Hearts.’ Mission was for the member dealt the Ace of Hearts to bring to an end the ‘The Man who had lived too long.’
Or, a century later, ‘The Men and Women who had lived too long.’ But fear not.
Dante Alighieri reminds all, ‘The Devil is not as black as he is painted.” Indeed,SHE comes in many colors:)