CHINA 2025 ∞ ‘Black Swans’ Rapt By Infinite Serpent!

Look at me, my bite created poison and antidote. Yet, the fight rages amongst you over cure! Coming after me? I never left. I see all and am everywhere and in everything!
US, your deadly ‘Black Swans’ of 2001-2008-2020 swim in swamp of your own making. Weaknesses in your ‘zones of interests’ revealed. No more toy TOWERS. Infinite Serpent, real Lord takes the Realm.
“Comrades and Friends, the Chinese people pursue great dreams and the Chinese nation dreams with the spirit of reforms and openness…We’re not only good at displaying the old world, we’re also good at building the new. …we never lost confidence in the future and came up with a Three-Step Blueprint to basically achieve socialist modernization in 70 plus years.”
– President Xi Jinping on 40th Anniversary of China’s Reform Policies, December 18, 2018
U.S. laughed. Not laughing now are you 🙂
Changing of the Guard renders Emissaries constant in your sphere. Be they garbed in blue or red, they hold no real influence or power.
Riling the Dragon backfired forcing your hand. Bad choices turned into wild tempests and raging infernos.
ChIna, taking a bite of the Apple or its AI? Tick, tock or a big MOCK!
How will Serpent of East shake West? Surprise! Monkey see, Monkey do!
No need for ‘deepminds.’ Just a ‘deepimaging’ app to monitor micro seismic activity.
USA to UAE mining and oil industries have long managed quakes. Or what they call Enterprise Risk Management (ERM).
Technical Oversight? Devoid of Manpower across the spectrum of homeland and defense (Space, Military or Navy), U.S. has left itself wide open to speculation of resources, communication, and transportation.
Let’s not forget transport’s central driver, logistics.
Energy is the critical force. Elements or Nuclear. Pointed out in 2019 “Made in China 2025” blueprint may include strategic plans to absorb global tech giants who capitalize on mobile engineering amassing data from a “service economy.”
Cyberspace or Space? The Joint Enterprise Defense Infrastructure (JEDI) project “was meant to store and process vast amounts of classified data, allowing the U.S. military to improve communications with soldiers on the battlefield and use artificial intelligence to speed up its war planning and fighting capabilities.”
Yet, the JEDI was not to return. Pentagon reportedly canceled JEDI putting in its place Joint Warfighting Cloud Capability (JWCC) valued at $9 billion. Still, JWCC was pushed back… Another ‘Star Wars’?
Pentagon’s new ploy – A ‘Stargate’ that includes a bank Kingmaker, an Oracle, and an open fairy?
Tell us CIA, is that cold war ‘Stargate Project’ viable now? Hmm, let’s ask the Ruskies 🙂
If NATOs gaze was misdirected, Ruskies found Провидение in a Serpent of Fire?
From my vantage point, the U.S. will soon be reverting to “business as usual” whether by design or being forced to.
The Seven Continents are on China’s circular table–one government, one party, business and banks (state and private). America’s “square table,” since its inception, has been unable to “square the circle” showing its hand.
China made its move. “Primum Movens: World Merchant Supplying and Controlling the Chains”
Aristotle once spoke of the “unmoved mover” many centuries and dynasties ago. China has speedily come along through its many roads, from its “Great Wall” to “China 2025.”
Guess who’s the AI “Cloud Master” who ate the cat that ate the singing canary! 🙂
You will do well not to cross Serpent’s path.
“Comrades and Friends… We must stay on the path of socialism with Chinese characteristics . . .the direction determines the future and the path determines the destiny. To keep our destiny in our own path, we must remain true and committed to our original aspirations and chosen path… the victory of the Chinese Peoples’ Democratic Revolution.” – President Xi Jinping