Bankers and Cronies, Bad Move! ☻Checkmate!
Bankers and Cronies, Bad Move! DOJ, appears House of Morgan, Sack, and Johnson got hacked, again. Sure investors’ minds put at ease by telling them hackers ‘stole no confidential data.’ Right, just ‘lifted.’ Evidence not ALL were breached?
Pandemic Profiteers, your numbers are up! Ask the English Baron and his wench! Speaking of a John and his Wench. What of old man John of Infidel Investments?
Hackjob put your shares along with accounts on hold? Shareholders, tired of son of a John hedging his bets against Infidelity? Rethink: Competitor of my Enemy is my Friend. Hmm? BlackRock, American Funds, Vanguard…
As I pointed out last month to DOJ, Immobilized System rendered powerless to operate and communicate! Or did the new bits of crypto compromise system?
Either way, looks like you paid RANDSOMS. No? Troubleshoot all you want and create new passwords. Hell, I hear some of you have resorted to ‘outsourcing’ tech security support. Right, your company would not pay for pricey IT Specialists. So now you’ve contracted India among others. But isn’t there sure to be more ‘breaches’ to test your system’s strengths and weaknesses?
Need system up and running in minutes not months? Take a number and stand in line with Wall Street Bankers and Cronies, Nellmet, and ‘Student Loan Officers’ aka Stadium Overseas Foreign Investors (SOFI). No Bank Presidents and Board Chairs resigning. Only Universities?
Will Justice fit Crime? Tell us Brits, will it be hacking of the head or a tummy sucker punch courtesy of American Quackers oldmeal. Tyson, sounds like your ‘crazy bird.’ Or, become forced participants (guinea pigs) in Pharmas deadly process leading to Cancer.
Unlike banks, guess who touches EVERY aspect of your financial systems, complimenting your ‘biggest global systemically important banks”? And happy to hold nations deposits and payments?
US Senators, story of a ‘Wonderful Life’ sold to public is a farce. What banker has attempted suicide since the Crash? Corrupt bankers will endure until the Last American National Bank crashes! Regulatory Proviso? Either they jump and crash or their systems!
Beauty of playing Chess at the Interconnection of Markets-Technology-Government. 😉
Bankers and Cronies, “And a Happy New Year you filthy animals.” See ya in 2024!
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