Image Source: Financial Stability Board
- Blowhards and Bloody Fools. Bet You Didn’t See That Coming! 🙂
- ۞Palestinians Right of Return⌂ – What to Do with Israel
- CHINA 2025 ∞ ‘Black Swans’ Rapt By Infinite Serpent!
- Israel and U.S., ‘Making a Killing’ in Hostage Power Plays?
- Israel, Bastard Agreement Broke THE OATH!
- HEZBOLLAH INFILTRATION: U.S. SWIFT Suppliers or ‘Soldiers of Fortune’?
- Along Climbed a Shrewd Spider Onto the Middle East Web ۞
- War Games and Dark Victories – Silicon Valley to Persia’s Valley of the Kings
- Russia Against Napoleon’ – No Cold, Like ICE COLD DEAD!
- Israel at the Realm of Political Decisiveness: Counter Attack – Negotiations
- ‘Superior at the Decisive Point’ → Iran-Israel or Russia-Ukraine?
- Broken Promises in NATOs Rotten State of Democracy!
- ‘Poking the Bear’ † US Red Alert or Red Herring?
- Russia, Time to ‘Make Them An Offer They Can’t Refuse’?
- US Defense & Aerospace – Prone to Drone and Crash & Burn!
- Homeland Insecurity: Warning! “BALLISTIC MISSILE THREAT INBOUND…
- Yum, Yum, Tritium, Oil and Pops! Funko, Fukushima, and Space Force Dumping!
- Israel October 7th Attack: ‘Intelligence Failure’ or Sabotage?
- Afghanistan – U.S. ‘Army of Lions Led by a Sheep’
- Mediterranean Graveyard: Death at the Hand of the ‘Four Horsemen’
- U.S. + NATO: Of Mice, Men and Monsters
- The Mine House That Xi Built: Underground Rare Earths
- Eye in the Sky Ӫ → America Left Itself Wide Open!
- Lion At Russia’s Gate
- Keep Your Eye on the Spy. Underground and Skies!
- “Another One Bites the Dust”☻ Resignations & Slayings
- US Air Force “Blue Max” is AWOL!
- Ukraine & Russia, A Toast to Mikhail Bulgakov!
- EUrope, Where “Hell is Other People”: A Toast to Nietzsche, Heidegger and Sartre
- Lety’s Adventures Through Persia’s Wondrous Looking-Glass
- Third Reich↔US Accords. Cost of Doing Business
- WoMAN ∞ Divine Power is the Full Measure of All Things
- Haiti, Rise “Masters of the Dew!” Defiance of the Force of the “Wretched of the Earth”
- Children’s Secret Toys: Afghanistan’s Beloved Country After the Taliban Deal
- “Targets of Opportunity” → Iran and 7th CISM Military World Games – 18-27 October 2019. Location>Hubei Province. Wuhan. China
- J’Accuse U.S.↔Israel Defense Forces and Hamas↔IRAN
- Colombia: Porque lo que no se quiere se mata?
- Nuclear Power: Future of our Planet or “Destroyer of Worlds”
- U.S.-Britain-Germany Warped Operations
- The Middle East Master Plans: “Circle of Peace” or Squared Pacts?
- “May Day, May Day, May Day…,” Our Children and Grandparents are in Danger or Dying…
- COV-19: A Microscopic and Economic View
- Halt, Pedestrian: Lockdown & Containment
- Risk of being Open and Transparent with Old and New Enemies
- Mavericks: U.S. Drafting New “Top Guns”?
- India and Mohandas K. Gandhi – The Third Wise Man
- “Win-Win” Trade Deals: China’s Rising Victory and U.S. Fallen Wars
- U.S. “First Red Scare” and Chinese Espionage: America’s Game Plan for China’s Communist Party *
*Note: Image Credit: Miller Center
- Statecraft or Command Decision? Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK), Russian Federation, and Kingdom of Saudi Arabia *
*Note: Image Credit:
- Has the Idea that the U.S. Bears the “Seeds of its Own Decay” Come To Fruition? Assessing Kennan’s Observation, “Russian Leaders are Keen Judges of Human Psychology” and Giving Credence to The Russian Federation Being “Quick to Exploit” the Enemy’s Lack of Self-Control
- How The Russian Federation Stemmed From Soviet Union Political Origin and Power Giving Rise to its Two Forces – Ideology and Circumstances
- Understanding and Leveraging “Facts Speak Louder Than Words” of the Kremlin and Soviet Leadership’s Third Factor “Truth is Not a Concept but is Actually Created”
- Erneute Untersuchung der Amerikanischen Grand-Strategie: Analyse von John J. Mearsheimer Warum Führer Liegen, Stephen M. Walt, der Amerikanische Macht zähmt, und der Fall für Offshore-Balancing
- Revisiting Matlock’s paper, Assessing the “The Long Telegram”: Analysis of George Kennan’s “X” Article and The Sources of Soviet Conduct
- The Art of Détente in the 21st Century: The Russian Federation and the U.S. Strategy of “Open Relations” with Iran and Israel
- Containment→ NSC-68→ Sanctions: Ballistic Trajectory of U.S. Blueprint to Deter Soviet Union Expansionism and Rebuke The Russian Federation’s Strategic Foreign Policy
- Strategic Tripartite: How DPRK, ROK, and Japan Counter Outside Forces
- Revisiting Matlock’s 2016 paper, Persian Puzzle: Is U.S. Policy Towards Iran Promoting A Delphic Image? Washington Questions Nuclear Deal Obfuscating Iran’s Stable Financial Market
- Revisiting Matlock’s paper, High-Tech Surveillance→Spider Webs and “Flys” on the Wall of Cyberspace
- Ripensare il Gioco: Conoscere il Tuo Avversario e Manovrare Attraverso lo Spazio e il Cyberspazio
- Revisiting Matlock’s paper, Legacy Game Plan: Optimizing a Defense Strategy of New “Whiz Kids” and “Wise Men” for Cyber Warfare
- Students Become the Masters: How China, Russia, and India Next Generation Rise and Advance
- 儒家与资本主义在中国:全球化的影响民族主义和认同
- Projecting U.S. Rules of Engagement in Syria – Political → Military → Legal: Examination of How Political Decisions Facilitate Military Action and Rules of Engagement in War in U.S. Occupied Middle East Territory
- Réfugiés: Conception et Mise en Ouvre d’un Cohésif Cadre Sécurité et Socio-économique: Refugees: Designing & Implementing a Cohesive Socio-Economic Framework in Western Nations
- Focal Point I → 61.5240° N, 105.3188° E: Russian Federation: U.S. Foreign Policy Recalculation of Economic, Political, and Military Strategy
- Focal Point II → 40.3399° N, 127.5101° E:Reassessing DPRK’s Leadership Decision Calculus for Effective Foreign Policy
- The World Political: Pentagon Coordinates and Degrees of Separation→Utilizing UTM System and Measuring Latitudes and Meridians of Suspect States and Non-State Actors
- Machiavelli and Tzu’s Protégé: Russian Prince Маскировка Supersedes U.S. CC&D
- Паноптикум и Маятник: Применение пространства-времени Минковского для
- Nuclear Power & Possession Hierarchy: Russia, USA, France, China, UK, Pakistan, India, Israel, and DPRK: Multilateral Negotiations Vis-à-Vis Comprehensive Intelligence Collection
- Persian Puzzle: Is U.S. Policy Towards Iran Promoting A Delphic Image? Washington Questions Nuclear Deal Obfuscating Iran’s Stable Financial Market
- Coming in From the Cold: How New Superpowers Mobilize Across a Multiple Domain Spectrum
- マヌーバの戦争から位置の戦争まで:日本のソフトパワー戦略
- Islamic Republic of Iran Power and Strategy: Maneuvering Global Geopolitics and Capitalizing on Scientific Opportunities In Peacetime
- Negotiating With Israel: Are Palestine’s Decisions Made For Good of the People or Leaders?
- Electric Russia: Information Technology & Key Actors
- Guilt & Responsibility: Voir Dire and U.S. Atonement For The Sins of the Father in Deutschland
- Critical Media Analysis-Syrian Refugees
- Uti Possidetis? Palestine Land and Jewish Artwork
- Паноптикум и Маятник: Применение пространства-времени Минковского для глобального надзора
(Panopticon and Pendulum: Application of Minkowski Space-Time for Global Surveillance)
- 中国的软实力战略:武力向位置战争
(China’s Soft Power Strategy: War of Maneuver to War of Position?)
- 日本経済は、測定と安定:将来の戦略的優位性のための戦術的操縦の採用
(Japan’s Economy Measured and Steadfast: Employing a Tactical Maneuver for Future Strategic Advantage)
- Finding Parallels to Reach Consensus – فلسطين إعلان حقوق الإنسان and ישראל מקדמת ביטחון
(Israel Promoting Security and Palestine Declaring Rights of Man)
- High-Tech Surveillance: Spider Webs and “Flys” on the Wall of Cyberspace
- Spirit of the Law and Letter of the Law: Examining Israel’s “Declaration of Independence” and “Shari’a Law” in Muslim States
- Electric Russia’s Development and Implementation: Russian Federation Information and Technology Reform and its Key Actors
- Legacy Game Plan: Optimizing a Defense Strategy of New “Whiz Kids” and “Wise Men” for Cyber Warfare
- Russian Federation & 50th Parallel North: Ukaz and Circle of Power→Calculating Aerial and Ground Strategic Operations
- 儒家与资本主义在中国:全球化的影响民族主义和认同
(Confucianism and Capitalism in China: The Influence of Globalization on Nationalism and Identity)
- Analysis of Riccardo Alcaro’s paper “The West and the Middle East After the Iran Nuclear Deal”
- International Case Study of China Language Policy (group project)
- Era of the Digital Caliphate: The Risk of Being Open and Transparent
- Dear Future Madam President or Mr. President, The Clock is Ticking!
- Impact of Religious Persecution: An Analysis of Saudi Arabia and Israel
- Globalization: A New World Order
* Assessing the “The Long Telegram”: George Kennan’s “X” Article and The Sources of Soviet Conduct
* Understanding and Mastering the World It Lives In: How China Leverages Economic Development in Trade and Harnesses the Power of Technology in Politics
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