Aye, “The Ides of March are Come” to a New Conquered World!

“Death smiles at us all; all we can do is smile back.” – Marcus Aurelius
Emperors found always someone to fight, or World to conquer.
Warriors, Admirals, Generals and Captains, obey not a sheep. In your ‘new world’ there are no true battles, only the stench of pervasive politics and death!
Another U.S. President failed to heed my words, “Russia, Guard “Red Lines” Where Sword is Mightier than the Pen.” Thinking himself an Emperor, He commanded “Possession is nine-tenths of the law.”
Superstitious, or what Nero sees as delusional? Neither fear nor contempt hinders fate. March goes on.
‘Silly Simon,’ smile back and have fun!
Nation leaders discerned between your real and false commands.
‘Trust & Verify’?
The lack of Trust in Washington and the Media owes its rise to a generation of idle, ignorant and greedy fools. Leader elected is but a reflection of his disciples or the rule of the People.
I am reminded of President Theodore Roosevelt and Joseph A. Califano, Jr.:
“It is not the critic who counts;…The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena…who strives valiantly…who does actually strive to do the deeds…who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat.” ― Theodore Roosevelt
People may remember Joseph A. Califano, Jr., “as a McNamara whiz kid, an LBJ assistant, an architect of the Great Society, the Washington Post lawyer during Watergate…” noted in his 2004 book, Inside, A Public and Private Life.
I find Mr. Califano inspiring and someone who made quite a “few waves.”
Working during President Lyndon B. Johnson’s term in office, Califano commented on his “conversations with so many of the key players” in Washington concluding that “despite all our political, professional, and personal jockeying and ambitions, we trusted each other.”
Sir, regrettably, that Washington is no more. In fact, Network executives’ have made a mockery of government and reporting. Fortunately, not all adhering to mob rule, “Good reporters took the Constitution’s words to heart, then ran with them to expand that freedom” as in your time.
I treasure Joseph A. Califano, Jr. words to me:
“The greatest reward comes when individuals like you get into the arena to make this nation a better place…So jump in and I am sure you will make your own special contribution.”
Sir, sword in hand since I first learned to talk and walk, I jumped onto the arena with both feet!
And ‘Justice for All’!
In Jacques Ellul’s 1964 book “The Technological Society,” John Wilkinson, Center for the Study of Democratic Institutions notes, “The Americans, apart from technicizing the electoral process, have left at least the sphere of politics to the operations of amateurish bunglers and have thereby preserved a modicum of humanity.”
Six decades later, little has changed as pointed out by I.C. Smith, Former Special Agent at the FBI in his 2004 book Inside, A Top G-Man Exposes Spies, Lies, and Bureaucratic Bungling Inside the FBI.
Department of Justice and Federal Bureau of Investigation may agree:
“…future FBI directors, if the trend of politicization continues, must demonstrate courage and independence in conducting politically sensitive investigations. . . It is left up to the Department of Justice and its principal investigative agency, the FBI, to ensure that such investigations will occur. . . The very future of the criminal justice system depends on it.” – I.C. Smith
Leaders, it is said, survive with a country at war. Yet, it ceases to exist without laws.
Caesar, one can almost hear your proclamation: It is the will of the People. Lewd deal is off the table. Death is not.
Reciprocity as Isolation is at times its own reward and penalty. Roman Empire ascended and stood the test of time. And still, modern self-proclaimed superpowers are destined to rise and fall at an accelerated pace.
But I remind you ALL. In a time before and after Caesar, the People have risen time and again with their shields and swords of Faith and Resistance to Fight for an IDEA!
Senators, voice of the People, a Republic of mendacity permeates, heart and bloodless, unable to bear fruit. End rests in your hands.
It is, in the End, God’s Will.
“Render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar’s, and unto God the things that are God’s”